Masks Off!

The problem with masks is they eventually slip off
no matter how smooth and sleek they are in place,
a careless word
a thoughtless act
a saccharine sweetness not native to the entity from which it flows,
a bitter aftertaste that mocks sweet endearments
and empties heartfelt promises,
a thousand little inconsistencies
bite sized betrayals
patterns of unfaithfulness
pathways of mistrust
highways of flight,
repeated portrayals of repentance
feigned remorse.

If you pay attention
you will see,
and when you see it
do not name it another name
do not feign ignorance
do not wish it in any way unseen
do not stop your ears from the sound of it’s steps
block not your nose from the smell of it’s deceit
taste it’s menace and know it full well.

Let it slip
do not put it back in place,
Let it slip
and reveal the real face,
Mark it well
the contours of unkindness.
At first minuscule, barely visible to the naked eye
but soon, increasing graduations of trickery
make it heavy and lopsided,
Let it slip
for a masker is not unlike an addict
their problems apparent to all but themselves.

Let the masker say in step with healing
I am a masker, a master of deceit
my ills have gone round and met with me,
I desire to change
I plead for help
here I am a sinner
God save me!
Hopeless and helpless to forge my own path forward
Conniving, cunning
at my wit’s end
God save me!

( 2 Corinthians 6:2)

Ambassadors at Tea!

Recently I sat down with a writer friend of mine to some finely brewed tea. I have found that tea (and many times, cake) elicits some very meaningful conversations! As we exchanged news on what we were up to in our lives and our writing projects, we drew on some interesting observations. She mentioned that she was looking to start a publication with a friend that would produce sound Christian material which would minister to readers. She had noticed, and I agreed with her, that there was very little of it in our locale and yet there was need for it.  On the other hand, publications on women’s issues, fitness, health, dating, gossip, business, sports and other topics were strewn all over the net and newsstands. All these publications inform and give advice; some great and others out rightly and increasingly wrong and sinful in their agenda. We acknowledged that our voices as Christian writers in the public space was greatly subdued or diluted. You rightly imagine it, if you picture me excited about this because I signed up right away to be part of this project!

It got me thinking though, about the many voices in this world currently and where our voices as believers lie. The world is in desperate need of our voices; voices that convey Godly truth and bring hope and life. Jesus describes us as ‘the light of the world’ and the ‘salt of the earth’. He also says that we are ‘like a city on a high hill that can’t be hidden’. The treasure we carry is no less than eternal and the one in whom we ‘move and live and have our being’ is no less than the eternal God. The one who sends us out into the world ‘to make disciples of all nations’ is one who is outside the confines of time and measurement, He is ‘from everlasting to everlasting’. One singer put it simply and profoundly-we carry God! And He calls us to share the love and hope and faith He has given us with the world. Salt, Light and a city on a high hill are not inconspicuous and weak identities. These are bold and courageous descriptions; they are identities that influence and impact their surroundings. If these identities were to be imagined as voices they would be described as bold, distinct, confident and lively.

The enemy has also raised voices seeking to drown out the truth today. Whether it’s about God, family, love, marriage, sex, children, business, entertainment, sports, friendships etc, he has found ambassadors who drive his agenda boldly. They speak loudly, they are brash and rude, they are soft and subtle, they are eloquent and entertaining and they are resourceful and convincing. Many men and women are being lured to eternal death by these voices as we watch and remain quiet. What do we do as Christians? We remain quiet because we fear backlash, we do not say ‘no’ for fear of losing our jobs or positions or titles, and we are sheep who gladly wear wolf’s clothing to blend in. However, as ambassadors of the kingdom of God, we are called represent Him to a sinful world and have no business blending in or remaining quiet about our master’s business after He has commissioned us! Paul reminds us that we are ‘more than conquerors through Him who loved us’. Apostle John assures us that ‘we have overcome the world’ and that ‘He who is in us is greater than he who is in the world.’ In every opportunity that God gives us to share His truth He promises that ‘the Holy Spirit will teach you at that time what you should say’. What would it look like in our lives, if we trusted Him more and more? Most assuredly, He would use our voices more frequently to bring the true message of Salvation to our families, friends, colleagues, community and a world that desperately needs Him.

(Matthew 5:13-16, 28:19-20, Psalm 90:2, 2 Cor 5:20, Romans 8:37, 1 John 4:4, 5:4, Luke 12:12)

A Passover Testimony

God gave me an early Easter treat this year. The wonderful surprise came ten days early. It was part of an answer to a prayer I had made at the beginning of this year. I asked God to give me souls. I asked God to enable me intentionally fish men for Him this year. I have been sharing God’s Word, but it has been quite a minute since I’d guided someone in praying for their salvation. I longed to do that this year and so I made a prayer. God heard me and sent people to me to begin to minister to and pray for. I wondered who among these, God would move first. He had a different idea.

On the fifth of April, my husband took me to hospital for a short doctor’s visit, and who should I chance upon? None other than one of my nephews who God had given me a chance to raise for some three amazing years before he went back to his family. He was there with his mom to see the doctor. As soon as he saw us, he was on full play mode with my husband’s arm serving as his favorite swing accessory. Fortunately the visit did not end with the all-feared jab and he was in high spirits as we all left together. A proper doctor’s visit for an eight year old can’t end without eating ‘out’! And he promptly suggested that we should all have chips and soda!

And so at a little café’ not far from the hospital, we had chips and soda! We also had question after question thrown at us to go with the chips and soda. His mom sat back and watched, quietly amused at the rigorous interrogation we were undergoing. He asked about school, planes (his favorite subject), friends, spaceships and then somehow we veered off to bible stories. And then he asked about heaven and hell and how they would be. We just about covered all the bible stories we had been through during our years together. Then he asked once again about heaven and what it would be like when we got there and how one got there. It took me back to my childhood. I remembered how my brother and I had always been fascinated by the scriptures on the visions of a new heaven and a new earth. We always planned that when we got there, the first thing we would do would be to take a ride on a lion!

Here we were again many years later and a description of the same visions held my young nephew in thrall, as we narrated them. We shared with him what it would take to have eternal life and he listened raptly. He stayed quiet for a few minutes after that. I got to take a bite of the sausage I’d been holding in my hand for some time. It was then that I felt a nudge from the Holy Spirit, to ask him if he wanted to accept Jesus as his Lord and savior. I hesitated a bit; was he ready? Did he really understand? But wasn’t I about the same age as he when God called me to Himself? Had he not preserved my faith and led me on the path of growth at a time when no one around me professed salvation? And now there were many more!

I asked the little man if he would consider giving his life to Jesus, and he said yes! Right there, we all held hands in the little café and helped him pray. Then my husband prayed that the Holy Spirit would guide and protect him on his new journey. He fell into a deep sleep in the car. It was as if something had lifted off his spirit. Jesus’ invitation had been taken this evening, and He had lifted the first burden from this young soul. I know he will be alright, because God has promised to faithfully complete the good work He has begun in him. And we will all be there to pray and walk with him. God is good, and this is my first testimony.

(John 3:16, Matthew 11:28-30, 1 Peter 5:7, Phil 1:6)

Blind! Deaf!

Fleeting pleasures

earthly treasures,

eating, drinking, courting, marrying

buying, selling, planting, building.

It was Noah’s ark for refuge

before the great deluge,

an escape to the hills for Lot

away from the fire and sulfur pot.

He cries, come out of them!

We cling on to sin’s hem,

He pleads, it will devour! It’s not tame!

We cast our eyes back, a moth drawn to flame.

On the cross, His arms stretched wide

love calls us to His side,

we mock, we laugh, we walk away

we live and trump on forgiveness’ gift.

Yet soon He comes His own to lift.

The unrepentant sinner cries, ‘woe is me!’

Too late, too late! He begins to see.

(Luke 17:26-30, Mark 4)

The Savior I Need

I thought I needed a savior

to slay the dragons on the path of my life,

to foil the plans of wicked men,               

and destroy the obstacles sown

to hinder my growth.

I thought I needed a saviour

to heal my weak body

and rid it of all frailty,

to open the door of fortune

and grant me untold wealth,

to endue me with power

that I may conquer the lands,

and do great exploits.

I thought I needed a savior

whose entrance into my life,

would shake the heavens

and shatter the earth,

riding on a mighty steed

flying on the wings of the wind.

My savior was not to be found

in the mighty wind,

nor did I see His likeness in the earthquake

or the flaming fire.

My savior made His triumphal entry

riding on a colt,

the King of Kings

meek and lowly

a gentle servant.

And when He spoke,

it was not the sound of many waters,

but a gentle whisper.

Love bid me come

weary and burdened to rest.

The Lord of Lords,

gentle and humble

bore it all on the cross.

Then I saw that I needed a savior,

to take my place

and forgive my sin,

a wretched man unable to pay his debt,

convicted and destined for death,

rescued by mercy and grace.

I saw that I needed a savior

who died and rose again,

so that I too would rise from my death

to new life in him.

And when I saw that I needed a savior

whose new life pulsed in mine,

marked in him with a seal,

the promised Holy Spirit,

I sought a closer walk

that I may endure.

And now that the savior came,

the enemy comes oft

to steal and kill and destroy,

And he finds the one in me

greater than he.

With life abundant,

I prosper in Spirit, mind and body

for I have a savior

who is more than I thought I needed

more than I imagined He would be

more than I dared to ask for.

(1 Kings 19:11-12, Luke 19:28-44, Matthew 11:28-30, 1 John 4:4,8, John 3:16, 10:10, Philippians 2:6-11, Romans 6, Ephesians 1:3-14, 3:20)